I stumbled upon Hot Pink Flying Saucers and Other Clouds![]() The book is produced by the Cloud Appreciation Society, and a magical gallery of images is available on their website. It truly reinvigorates your faith in mankind's inner child that organisations such as this exist. |
At The Cloud Appreciation Society we love clouds, we’re not ashamed to say it and we’ve had enough of people moaning about them.
The book has made me look afresh at the skies of Singapore. Living here you don't tend to spend a lot of time looking up. The tropical humidity and general lack of turbulence make saturated blanket cloud cover pretty much the norm. We don't have a big weather section in news broadcasts, and no-one really talks about the weather. At night you are lucky to see the glimmer of a dozen stars (half of which turn out to be 747s coming in to land at Changi).
But, no, since picking up "Hot Pink.." I've been drawn to looking up, and I think my prejudices might be misguided. Not everyday, but I realise now there is a little more interesting action going on than I had assumed. I have my camera on standby now, ready to catch any flying saucers, dogs, ducks, or skateboarders that may make an appearance in our skies.

PS: shortly after posting this, I discovered another cloud lover here in Singapore. Anonymous_X has been posting cloud pictures on The Clouds Represent My Heart site since August!
Hello there. I was quite surprised to find out that there are 19 Singapore-based members of the Cloud Appreciation Society (as of this writing). I just signed up as well. Cheers for the reviews on the "Hot Pink Flying Saucers and Other Clouds" book and for the link to another SG-based cloudspotter.
Hi K. Thanks for the comments.
19 members and growing .. almost enough to start a local chapter!
My thoughts precisely.
By the way, the UK edition of "Hot Pink Flying Saucers and Other Clouds" has a more impressive cover photo (http://cloudappreciationsociety.org/cloud-lookalikes-book/) aka "A Pig With Six Legs".
Anyway, I also stopped by your Tardate blog and just dropped you an email. Cheers.
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