Had some work on the weekend, so I've had my iPod on "song play". So far it's at 144 of 4981 and still working through the "A"s. I'm up to Always..
- Always
- Bon Jovi, Bounce
- Always by Kuraki Mai 倉木麻衣 from Fever Pitch: Official 2002 Fifa World Cup
- Always On The Run [Explicit]
Lenny Kravitz Greatest Hits
- Always The Way - James Reyne from his cool 80's pop-rock self titled
, the first album he released after leaving Australian Crawl
- Always With Me, Always With You
- classic melody line by Joe Satriani from Surfing with the Alien
Best song in the "Always" category? At the moment, my vote's going to Kuraki Mai. And like pretty much everything these days, it's on YouTube too, complete with user-generated anime mtv;-)
You have an I-pod??? -_-
ALways-i hv the fifa world cup cd with that on. Yes that seems to be the best song on it. You should listen to Blue Bird--its on my blog, the first vid you see. Yes, the new Shippuuden opening.
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